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Buy a Virtual Beer
Buy a Virtual Beer
As venues close and shows, concerts and gigs cancel across the nation our Arts & Entertainment industry crumbles, people are feeling the impact of not seeing each other and not experiencing the event they had so looked forward to. It’s intense FOMO…
We know times are tough for everyone and artists, especially independent small outfits are asking if you could not refund your ticket so they can still make some money to live on and we are doing the same. The ticket money goes to the artist and ticket agency but the venue makes its revenue from the hire and the bar. Neither of which it now has.
So we are asking you to
buy a beer for the venue
. Buy a virtual beer for yourself, shout a beer for your mate or if you want, buy a round, a carton or even a keg so that we can pay the hard costs and keep on going without any gigs.
No you won’t get to drink it but you will help us stay open past this crisis.
#buyabeer and share it on your socials to keep this alive then upload a pic add #buyabeer and #thebartontheatre and we’ll all be cheering together. If you know a venue that wants to join in let us know and we can set it up for them too.
In the meantime plan the rest of your year and we’ll see you back at Thebby soon. We miss you already…
Thebarton Theatre
This is a virtual drink and does not represent a physical drink. This is a donation to Thebarton Theatre
This performance is not on sale at this time.
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